Clinton County, PA
Home MenuRusty Crayfish
Photo- National Geographic
Where are they from?
Native to the Ohio river basin, they are aggressive and invasive in other watersheds.
Why are they so harmful?
Rusty Crayfish can displace native crayfish species and out-compete them for food and habitat. This invasive destroys the stream bed for spawning and food supplies for fish and other aquatic life that can lead to decreased biodiversity in the stream. Male Rusty Crayfish can also mate with native species completely removing male native species from the equation.
How can I identify it?
This species is around 3 to 5 inches long without the claws, of which have black bands on the tips. They are a grey/green color with rusty red orange spots along the body.
Where can I learn more?
Chesapeake Bay --
National Park Service --
Seagrant --